Signs of labor

Signs of labor

Signs of labor

Probably every woman who shares her labor experience tells a different story. Your delivery will be just as unique. However, the following information will prepare you for the signs of labor.

Signs that labor is in a few weeks or days

Lightning: You can breathe again! This is a sign that the baby has sunk down, settling deeper in your pelvis and relieving pressure on your diaphragm, which helps keep you from feeling short of breath. However, you may feel increased pressure on your bladder, which means more trips to the bathroom.

People may comment on your changed appearance, although you yourself may not recognize these changes.

Bloody show: Loss of the mucus plug. During pregnancy, a thick mucous plug protects the opening of the cervix from bacteria entering the uterus. As the cervix begins to thin and relax, the plug naturally pushes out. Some women think cork looks hard, like cork, but it's actually stringy mucus or discharge.

It may be clear, pink, or bloody and may appear minutes, hours, or even days before labor begins. Not all women notice this sign.

Rupture of membranes: Water breaks! Only 1 out of 10 women experience a sharp outpouring of amniotic fluid. This event usually occurs at home, often while you are in bed. Sometimes the amniotic sac ruptures or leaks before labor, and because the uterus is adjacent to the bladder, this can lead to urine leakage.

Sometimes it can be difficult to distinguish urine from amniotic fluid.

If your membranes have ruptured and you are losing amniotic fluid, it will be an odorless liquid. The discharge may be sudden bursts or a constant trickle. If you notice fluid leaking, try to determine if it smells like urine or is odorless. If it's not urine, you should see a doctor.

Until you see a doctor or midwife, don't use tampons, have sex, or do anything that could introduce bacteria into your vagina. Tell your doctor if the fluid is anything other than clear and odorless, especially if it is green or has a foul odor, which could indicate an infection or meconium (more brownish/greenish).

Nesting: Energy explosion. For most of your pregnancy, you've probably struggled with the urge to take a nap, so you should be able to easily recognize this symptom. The day will come when you will wake up full of energy! You'll be motivated to make lists of things to do, clean, buy, etc., and you'll feel urgency about everything you've been putting off.

Despite this craving, remember that Labor Day is around the corner, so try to conserve your energy.

Effacement: Thinning of the cervix. During the last month of pregnancy, the cervix begins to stretch and thin. This indicates that the lower part of the uterus is preparing for childbirth, as the thinner cervix opens more easily.

Your doctor may check for flattening during the last two months of pregnancy. Fading is measured as a percentage. You may hear your doctor say, "You're 25% clear, 50% clear, 75% clear..." The Braxton Hicks contractions" you've had may play a role in the erasing process. You will not be able to assess your degree of erasure. This can only be determined by a medical examination.

Dilation: Opening of the cervix. Dilation is the process of opening the cervix in preparation for childbirth. Dilation is measured in centimeters or, less accurately, in "fingers" during an internal (finger) examination of the pelvis. "Full dilation" means you are 10 centimeters away and ready to give birth. Your doctor can tell you how many inches your cervix has dilated, and this is also something you cannot determine on your own.

A sure sign that labor is really going on:

Consistent contractions: when you start to feel regular uterine contractions, this is the most obvious sign that you are in labor. When this happens, it's time to get out your diary and write down the exact start time of each contraction and how long it lasted.

These contractions may feel like menstrual cramps or back pain that comes and goes. When labor begins, there can be 20 to 30 minutes between them. Over time, your contractions will likely start to occur at shorter intervals, perhaps every 10 to 15 minutes or less.

When your contractions pass at regular intervals of 5 minutes, it's time to call your doctor.

Labor contractions have the following characteristics:

  • They are regular
  • They follow a predictable pattern (such as every eight minutes)
  • They become progressively closer
  • They last progressively longer
  • They become progressively stronger
  • Each contraction is felt first in the lower back and then radiates around to the front or vice versa
  • A change in activity or body position will not slow down or stop contractions
  • Your mucus plug may appear
  • Membranes might rupture 

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